Sunday, August 24, 2008

Obama + Biden = sellout?

Ok, so I rarely make political commentary on a lifestyle forum such as my blog, but I wanted to comment on something that has perplexed me all day since I learned of the news this morning.

I'm all for "change we can believe in," but...

Senator Joe Biden?

Yes, he has a long history on Capitol Hill and compliments Obama on almost every issue where there is a perceived deficit or gap, but...wha?? Biden does not represent what Obama's campaign modus operandi has been so far - "change we can believe in." Biden is more like "status quo" in my book.

No disrespect to Mr. Biden (who, no doubt has done great things for his constituents). The Obama camp may characterize this move as a rounding out of the Democratic ticket. But to me this highlights a lack of confidence on Obama's part and a virtual selling out to the Washington bourgeoisie of Howard Dean and the like.

Don't get me wrong, I will still put my vote down for Obama-Biden come November but I have to admit that this choice has me scratching my head.

Am I the only one?

I'll get over it in a few days, I guess.

(Or maybe I'm just disappointed because I was secretly hoping for an Obama-Clinton dream ticket to be announced today, despite news of her keynote address at the DNC next week. Or Obama and some other lucky female running mate like Kathleen Sebellius from Kansas. I guess we'll wait another 20 years before seeing another woman in #1 or #2 spot.)

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