Friday, August 29, 2008

And in WTF news...

...this just in.

Huh?! This weakens all of McCain's arguments against Obama's lack of experience.

At any rate, this may be a lame attempt to woo Hillary's supporters. But I think it's kind of insulting if that's true. People don't vote because someone's male or female or black or purple or white (or maybe they do and I just don't carouse with them...which is likely since we would probably not get along.) They vote because the candidate stands for what they believe in - and Palin and Hillary could not be further apart. Just about the only thing they have in common is that they are both females.

More to come as we learn more about her over the next few days.

(Ok, I am done with my political rantings now...back to blogging about working mommy stuff).

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