Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Q4 is here

October 1 marks the beginning of what us calendar year fiscal year corporate folks call Q4.  So, no doubt, things are really, really busy.

For everyone else, it marks the beginning of the "holidays" which it seems starts earlier and earlier every year.   And with the holidays, comes the kids' birthday (along with the Star Wars-themed party I must plan along with it) - their 4th.


Where did the year go?

And where did my babies go?

4 1/2 months old, April 2005
Almost 4 years old, September 2008

1 comment:

Polly said...

Have fun planning the party, its our time to really indulge our childhood yearnings right!!!

Mine is 19 months yesterday (1st) I cannot believe how quickly time flies along, it really is scary.