Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ever feel like you're running on a treadmill...

...and not sure how much further you have to go?

That's how I feel right now, and have been feeling for a few weeks.

Am trying to get it together.

This working mom stuff and my aspirational attempts to do-it-all is breaking me.

Thank goodness for my kids and husband, who put it all in perspective. That's what really matters in times of general stress and busy-ness.


KKJ said...

I feel for you. Sometimes I think what would happen if I got off that treadmill. Then I quickly get back to running.

Polly said...

Totally understand, do you ever wonder what would happen if the treadmill actually stopped for a while? Hope all is well and you are looking after yourself.

just jamie said...

Clarissa, I am living the SAME crazy, spinning, madness right now. If that helps...

Polly said...

Hey Crigg, just popping in to say Ill be thinking of you tomorrow during the election.

CRigg said...

Thanks for the notes, everyone. And thanks for the well-wishes on the election, Polly! Everyone I know is feeling nervous and excited at the same time!